what is Organic foods?
organic foods
There are foods that are not used in the production and processing of any chemicals, poisons, fertilizers, pesticides and hormones. These foods have high nutritional value, better taste and strong antioxidant properties. Some of the benefits of consuming organic food on physical health are:
Protection of cardiovascular health: consumption of organic food increases the level of CLA in the body. CLA is a healthy fatty acid that strengthens blood vessels and the heart.
Improvement of all kinds of diseases and increase of body immunity: It is necessary to consume organic food containing antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that help strengthen the body's immune system and reduce the risk of contracting many diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It also strengthens the body's defense cells against infections and microbes.
Reducing appetite and maintaining fitness: Consuming organic food reduces blood sugar levels and unhealthy fats in the body. It also increases satiety and reduces eating between meals. For this reason, organic food consumers have a more suitable weight and a lower body mass index
Maintaining skin health: Skin is one of the indicators of physical health. Consuming organic substances improves skin moisture, elastin, collagen and wrinkles. Organic ingredients contain vitamins A, C and E, which help to produce collagen and protect the skin from sun damage. Also, using organic materials reduces the risk of skin contamination with toxins and bacteria
Increasing the level of physical fitness: Physical fitness is the ability of the body to perform daily activities while maintaining health and well-being. Consumption of organic substances improves the function of the heart, veins, lungs, muscles and bones. Organic materials contain protein, carbohydrates, fat, steel, iron and manganese, which help to produce energy, transport oxygen, strengthen muscles and bones, and increase endurance and tolerance of the body.